I don't usually join groups on blogs, but this quilt was so cute, I couldn't help it! My DD took one look at the first four blocks and made me promise to let her help when the next patterns are ready. Mama Spark had the idea.
I've seen so many folks post pictures of their irons on their blogs. Since I took these quick picks on my ironing board, I thought I'd add my iron too. I really like this one and paid a pretty penny for it. (Don't tell DH! He would have a kitten if he knew I'd spent that much on something that I don't use except for "sewing and quilting.") It's an Oliso and a long story behind it's purchase...
I had been using my grandmother's iron since I moved into my own house (12.5 years ago). Grandma passed away in early January 1989, so I can only guess how old the iron was before I inherited it. It was awesome! Never dripped or spit, got hot as heck-but didn't scorch anything unless I really wasn't paying attention. It was heavy, but didn't cause any trouble. Hee hee, plus, before I started sewing/quilting again, I only used it on very rare occasions.
Well, enter two new dogs into the house and one of them needs to be near a person at all times. I even have an extra bed for her near my sewing machine. She bumped the ironing board and knocked Gram's iron to the floor - concrete floor. No one got hurt except the poor antique. I bought a cute purple thing at Wally-world. It was light, not too expensive and best of all, it was PURPLE! I sure got what I paid for and tossed it out when it dripped and scorched some quilt fabric! Only 3 months old! Grandma's iron was easily more than 30 yrs old when it bit the dust.
I trudged up to my sewing machine repair shop (Pins & Needles is great!) and they sold me this great iron. Well worth the cost. I don't even have to stand it up. It stays on little pop-out feet as soon as I let go of the handle. My kids love to touch the handle and make it pop up and down. Hey, if only they would do some of hubby's shirts... one can dream.