The lunch bag I finished on the quilt retreat last month. I have a couple others cut out and ready to roll, but not motivated to finish Christmas stuff right now. I need some spring-y colors!

My great grandmother was a crochet queen! My grandmother has hundreds of these flowers and framed them for each of her daughters, and most of their friends. Recently, Grandma made tiny frames with 2 or 3 flowers in them for each of her granddaughters. The little frame is upstairs. This oval frame is the one she originally gave to my dad's mother eons ago. The colors are still beautiful - this picture doesn't do them justice.

A baby quilt and tiny pillow for a co-worker. She has bought several of my lunch/gift bags, as well as a large bag for herself. The blocks are actually parts of a "book panel" that I got in a grab box from Fat Quarter Shop. I LOVE when they have the grab boxes. They are usually 12 pounds. I've only bought one, but the unusual mix of fabrics has stretched my imagination - even if the bits were tiny. Those small strips have become trim for some of my bags. Or handles. Or were used in quilts. Some were "not my taste" (meaning u.g.l.y., but I didn't want to say that out loud) and I gave them to some friends who really liked them. A fun way to expand your horizons - and about the only surprise I truly enjoy. MOre on surprises another time....
PS - can't post this until after the gift is given. Will be sitting in my drafts for awhile.