We first found a dog that looked a lot like our Penny, but we still wanted to look at another. Of course we fell in love with the puppies the 2nd shelter had! We left empty handed and went to dinner, excited about our new (hopefully!) pet. We couldn't decide! DH and DS wanted the first dog; DD and I wanted the puppy.
We were all a little slap-happy at this time from lack of food and water. DH finally chimed in and said, "We're getting my dog or two dogs." I gave him a look and asked, "What did you say?" He reprated, "We're getting the dog I picked or we take both home." Then he paused. All was silent. He finally blushed and said, "That sounded pretty bad, didn't it?"
Of course we all laughed because we realized we were getting two dogs!!!
The first shelter director visited our house and instected every inch. We were approved! And brought home the tri-colored puppy. She is supposed to be my DD's dog. DD struggled (crying, sleeplesness and drama) with a name. She wanted to name it after me! I finally relented and allowed my nickname, but only if she spelled it out. Thus an hour before I got home with puppy, she created the name "Kaecy."
Both our girls
Dinner finally arrives and we digging in, chewing quietly, when loudly he exclaims, "I got it! Breta!" Greta? Like the German name? I asked. No! bread-a, like toast! We laughed hysterically, but the name stuck! Here's Breta helping me make a baby quilt: