My ds' first quilt. He picked the squares, quilted it with fancy thread and stitching. Then gave it away! My heart was both broken and bursting at the same time. I wanted to keep his first fabric foray, but also appreciated his generous soul. :)

Little pincushions from bottle caps. Mostly my own design. The flower pot idea came from "Pretty Little Pinchshions."

Split 9-patch - gifted

I made two of these strip quilts, but didn't pay attention to the size or pattern of hte strips. It still turned out cute. Thankfully, I caught myself before I sewed too many of the binding strips into the quilt! My first quilt as you go.

Made two of these bags from Connecting Threads kits - one for me, one for my sister. The fabric was great to work with, but the pattern was a pita. My mom's Christmas gift was made in my own basic pattern. I have to get a photo from her.

A Queen and Her Court - block of the month at my favorite quilt shop. This is before the final borders were on. It ended up being more than a hundred inches to a side. 98x112, I think! It is quilted, but I still need a nixce dry day to take it outside for a photo.