the loudest helper...

just a little nap...

Our new rose tree - supposed to be hardy to -5 degrees. We'll see...

Corner to the right as you look out the patio door. My baby peach tree. I love these blue pots!

Strike a pose! He insisted on keeping this silly picture. Grass has not yet sprouted and it's gonna be hot this week. We need lots of water.

Looking straight out the patio door.

A little pumpkin. This one has to be 10 lbs already!

An owl from a craft/art show. I wish we had the artist's name. Everyone sees this and wants one.

The other half working hard. Or is that hardly
workin'? Patio looks small from this angle, but it's almost 300 sq ft and the glass room is 250-
ish - Almost the whole back of the house!